Source code for tools.parsers.CSVTools

import os, types, collections

[docs]class EmptyLine(Exception) : """Raised when an empty or comment line is found (dealt with internally)""" def __init__(self, lineNumber) : message = "Empty line: #%d" % lineNumber Exception.__init__(self, message) self.message = message def __str__(self) : return self.message
[docs]def removeDuplicates(inFileName, outFileName) : """removes duplicated lines from a 'inFileName' CSV file, the results are witten in 'outFileName'""" f = open(inFileName) legend = f.readline() data = '' h = {} h[legend] = 0 lines = f.readlines() for l in lines : if l not in h : h[l] = 0 data += l f.flush() f.close() f = open(outFileName, 'w') f.write(legend+data) f.flush() f.close()
[docs]def catCSVs(folder, ouputFileName, removeDups = False) : """Concatenates all csv in 'folder' and wites the results in 'ouputFileName'. My not work on non Unix systems""" strCmd = r"""cat %s/*.csv > %s""" %(folder, ouputFileName) os.system(strCmd) if removeDups : removeDuplicates(ouputFileName, ouputFileName)
[docs]def joinCSVs(csvFilePaths, column, ouputFileName, separator = ',') : """csvFilePaths should be an iterable. Joins all CSVs according to the values in the column 'column'. Write the results in a new file 'ouputFileName' """ res = '' legend = [] csvs = [] for f in csvFilePaths : c = CSVFile() c.parse(f) csvs.append(c) legend.append(separator.join(list(c.legend.keys()))) legend = separator.join(legend) lines = [] for i in range(len(csvs[0])) : val = csvs[0].get(i, column) line = separator.join(csvs[0][i]) for c in csvs[1:] : for j in range(len(c)) : if val == c.get(j, column) : line += separator + separator.join(c[j]) lines.append( line ) res = legend + '\n' + '\n'.join(lines) f = open(ouputFileName, 'w') f.write(res) f.flush() f.close() return res
[docs]class CSVEntry(object) : """A single entry in a CSV file""" def __init__(self, csvFile, lineNumber = None) : self.csvFile = csvFile = [] if lineNumber != None : self.lineNumber = lineNumber tmpL = csvFile.lines[lineNumber].replace('\r', '\n').replace('\n', '') if len(tmpL) == 0 or tmpL[0] in ["#", "\r", "\n", csvFile.lineSeparator] : raise EmptyLine(lineNumber) tmpData = tmpL.split(csvFile.separator) # tmpDatum = [] i = 0 while i < len(tmpData) : # for d in tmpData : d = tmpData[i] sd = d.strip() if len(sd) > 0 and sd[0] == csvFile.stringSeparator : more = [] for i in range(i, len(tmpData)) : more.append(tmpData[i]) i+=1 if more[-1][-1] == csvFile.stringSeparator : break",".join(more)[1:-1]) # if len(tmpDatum) > 0 or (len(sd) > 0 and sd[0] == csvFile.stringSeparator) : # tmpDatum.append(sd) # if len(sd) > 0 and sd[-1] == csvFile.stringSeparator : # # tmpDatum = [] else : i += 1 else : self.lineNumber = len(csvFile) for i in range(len(self.csvFile.legend)) :'')
[docs] def commit(self) : """commits the line so it is added to a file stream""" self.csvFile.commitLine(self)
def __iter__(self) : self.currentField = -1 return self def __next__(self) : self.currentField += 1 if self.currentField >= len(self.csvFile.legend) : raise StopIteration k = list(self.csvFile.legend.keys())[self.currentField] v =[self.currentField] return k, v def __getitem__(self, key) : """Returns the value of field 'key'""" try : indice = self.csvFile.legend[key.lower()] except KeyError : raise KeyError("CSV File has no column: '%s'" % key) return[indice] def __setitem__(self, key, value) : """Sets the value of field 'key' to 'value' """ try : field = self.csvFile.legend[key.lower()] except KeyError : self.csvFile.addField(key) field = self.csvFile.legend[key.lower()] else : try:[field] = str(value) except Exception as e: for i in range(field-len( :"")[field] = str(value) def toStr(self) : return self.csvFile.separator.join( def __repr__(self) : r = {} for k, v in self.csvFile.legend.items() : r[k] =[v] return "<line %d: %s>" %(self.lineNumber, str(r)) def __str__(self) : return repr(self)
[docs]class CSVFile(object) : """ Represents a whole CSV file:: #reading f = CSVFile() f.parse('hop.csv') for line in f : print(line['ref']) #writing, legend can either be a list of a dict {field : column number} f = CSVFile(legend = ['name', 'email']) l = f.newLine() l['name'] = 'toto' l['email'] = "" for field, value in l : print(field, value)'myCSV.csv') """ def __init__(self, legend = [], separator = ',', lineSeparator = '\n') : self.legend = collections.OrderedDict() for i in range(len(legend)) : if legend[i].lower() in self.legend : raise ValueError("%s is already in the legend" % legend[i].lower()) self.legend[legend[i].lower()] = i self.strLegend = separator.join(legend) self.filename = "" self.lines = [] self.separator = separator self.lineSeparator = lineSeparator self.currentPos = -1 self.streamFile = None self.writeRate = None self.streamBuffer = None self.keepInMemory = True
[docs] def addField(self, field) : """add a filed to the legend""" if field.lower() in self.legend : raise ValueError("%s is already in the legend" % field.lower()) self.legend[field.lower()] = len(self.legend) if len(self.strLegend) > 0 : self.strLegend += self.separator + field else : self.strLegend += field
[docs] def parse(self, filePath, skipLines=0, separator = ',', stringSeparator = '"', lineSeparator = '\n') : """Loads a CSV file""" self.filename = filePath f = open(filePath) if lineSeparator == '\n' : lines = f.readlines() else : lines = f.flush() f.close() lines = lines[skipLines:] self.lines = [] self.comments = [] for l in lines : if len(l) != 0 and l[0] != "#" : self.lines.append(l) elif l[0] == "#" : self.comments.append(l) self.separator = separator self.lineSeparator = lineSeparator self.stringSeparator = stringSeparator self.legend = collections.OrderedDict() i = 0 for c in self.lines[0].lower().replace(stringSeparator, '').split(separator) : legendElement = c.strip() if legendElement not in self.legend : self.legend[legendElement] = i i+=1 self.strLegend = self.lines[0].replace('\r', '\n').replace('\n', '') self.lines = self.lines[1:]
# sk = skipLines+1 # for l in self.lines : # if l[0] == "#" : # sk += 1 # else : # break # self.header = self.lines[:sk] # self.lines = self.lines[sk:]
[docs] def streamToFile(self, filename, keepInMemory = False, writeRate = 1) : """Starts a stream to a file. Every line must be committed (l.commit()) to be appended in to the file. If keepInMemory is set to True, the parser will keep a version of the whole CSV in memory, writeRate is the number of lines that must be committed before an automatic save is triggered. """ if len(self.legend) < 1 : raise ValueError("There's no legend defined") try : os.remove(filename) except : pass self.streamFile = open(filename, "a") self.writeRate = writeRate self.streamBuffer = [] self.keepInMemory = keepInMemory self.streamFile.write(self.strLegend + "\n")
[docs] def commitLine(self, line) : """Commits a line making it ready to be streamed to a file and saves the current buffer if needed. If no stream is active, raises a ValueError""" if self.streamBuffer is None : raise ValueError("Commit lines is only for when you are streaming to a file") self.streamBuffer.append(line) if len(self.streamBuffer) % self.writeRate == 0 : for i in range(len(self.streamBuffer)) : self.streamBuffer[i] = str(self.streamBuffer[i]) self.streamFile.write("%s\n" % ('\n'.join(self.streamBuffer))) self.streamFile.flush() self.streamBuffer = []
[docs] def closeStreamToFile(self) : """Appends the remaining commited lines and closes the stream. If no stream is active, raises a ValueError""" if self.streamBuffer is None : raise ValueError("Commit lines is only for when you are streaming to a file") for i in range(len(self.streamBuffer)) : self.streamBuffer[i] = str(self.streamBuffer[i]) self.streamFile.write('\n'.join(self.streamBuffer)) self.streamFile.close() self.streamFile = None self.writeRate = None self.streamBuffer = None self.keepInMemory = True
def _developLine(self, line) : stop = False while not stop : try : if self.lines[line].__class__ is not CSVEntry : devL = CSVEntry(self, line) stop = True else : devL = self.lines[line] stop = True except EmptyLine as e : del(self.lines[line]) self.lines[line] = devL def get(self, line, key) : self._developLine(line) return self.lines[line][key] def set(self, line, key, val) : self._developLine(line) self.lines[line][key] = val
[docs] def newLine(self) : """Appends an empty line at the end of the CSV and returns it""" l = CSVEntry(self) if self.keepInMemory : self.lines.append(l) return l
[docs] def insertLine(self, i) : """Inserts an empty line at position i and returns it""", CSVEntry(self)) return self.lines[i]
[docs] def save(self, filePath) : """save the CSV to a file""" self.filename = filePath f = open(filePath, 'w') f.write(self.toStr()) f.flush() f.close()
[docs] def toStr(self) : """returns a string version of the CSV""" s = [self.strLegend] for l in self.lines : s.append(l.toStr()) return self.lineSeparator.join(s)
def __iter__(self) : self.currentPos = -1 return self def __next__(self) : self.currentPos += 1 if self.currentPos >= len(self) : raise StopIteration self._developLine(self.currentPos) return self.lines[self.currentPos] def __getitem__(self, line) : try : if self.lines[line].__class__ is not CSVEntry : self._developLine(line) except AttributeError : start = line.start if start is None : start = 0 for l in range(len(self.lines[line])) : self._developLine(l + start) # start, stop = line.start, line.stop # if start is None : # start = 0 # if stop is None : # stop = 0 # for l in xrange(start, stop) : # self._developLine(l) return self.lines[line] def __len__(self) : return len(self.lines)