Source code for importation.SNPs

import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, shutil

from configparser import SafeConfigParser
import pyGeno.configuration as conf
from pyGeno.SNP import *
from import ProgressBar
from import printf
from .Genomes import _decompressPackage, _getFile

from import SNPsTxtFile
from import VCFFile
from import CSVFile

[docs]def importSNPs(packageFile) : """The big wrapper, this function should detect the SNP type by the package manifest and then launch the corresponding function. Here's an example of a SNP manifest file for Casava SNPs:: [package_infos] description = Casava SNPs for testing purposes maintainer = Tariq Daouda maintainer_contact = tariq.daouda [at] umontreal version = 1 [set_infos] species = human name = dummySRY type = Agnostic source = my place at the IRIC [snps] filename = snps.txt # as with genomes you can either include de file at the root of the package or specify an URL from where it must be downloaded """ printf("Importing polymorphism set: %s... (This may take a while)" % packageFile) isDir = False if not os.path.isdir(packageFile) : packageDir = _decompressPackage(packageFile) else : isDir = True packageDir = packageFile fpMan = os.path.normpath(packageDir+'/manifest.ini') if not os.path.isfile(fpMan) : raise ValueError("Not file named manifest.ini! Mais quel SCANDALE!!!!") parser = SafeConfigParser()'/manifest.ini')) packageInfos = parser.items('package_infos') setName = parser.get('set_infos', 'name') typ = parser.get('set_infos', 'type') if typ.lower()[-3:] != 'snp' : typ += 'SNP' species = parser.get('set_infos', 'species').lower() genomeSource = parser.get('set_infos', 'source') snpsFileTmp = parser.get('snps', 'filename').strip() snpsFile = _getFile(parser.get('snps', 'filename'), packageDir) return_value = None try : SMaster = SNPMaster(setName = setName) except KeyError : if typ.lower() == 'casavasnp' : return_value = _importSNPs_CasavaSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) elif typ.lower() == 'dbsnpsnp' : return_value = _importSNPs_dbSNPSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) elif typ.lower() == 'dbsnp' : return_value = _importSNPs_dbSNPSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) elif typ.lower() == 'tophatsnp' : return_value = _importSNPs_TopHatSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) elif typ.lower() == 'agnosticsnp' : return_value = _importSNPs_AgnosticSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) else : raise FutureWarning('Unknown SNP type in manifest %s' % typ) else : raise KeyError("There's already a SNP set by the name %s. Use deleteSNPs() to remove it first" %setName) if not isDir : shutil.rmtree(packageDir) return return_value
[docs]def deleteSNPs(setName) : """deletes a set of polymorphisms""" con = conf.db try : SMaster = SNPMaster(setName = setName) con.beginTransaction() SNPType = SMaster.SNPType con.delete(SNPType, 'setName = ?', (setName,)) SMaster.delete() con.endTransaction() except KeyError : raise KeyError("Can't delete the setName %s because i can't find it in SNPMaster, maybe there's not set by that name" % setName) #~ printf("can't delete the setName %s because i can't find it in SNPMaster, maybe there's no set by that name" % setName) return False return True
def _importSNPs_AgnosticSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) : "This function will also create an index on start->chromosomeNumber->setName. Warning : pyGeno wil interpret all positions as 0 based" printf('importing SNP set %s for species %s...' % (setName, species)) snpData = CSVFile() snpData.parse(snpsFile, separator = "\t") AgnosticSNP.dropIndex(('start', 'chromosomeNumber', 'setName')) conf.db.beginTransaction() pBar = ProgressBar(len(snpData)) pLabel = '' currChrNumber = None for snpEntry in snpData : tmpChr = snpEntry['chromosomeNumber'] if tmpChr != currChrNumber : currChrNumber = tmpChr pLabel = 'Chr %s...' % currChrNumber snp = AgnosticSNP() snp.species = species snp.setName = setName for f in snp.getFields() : try : setattr(snp, f, snpEntry[f]) except KeyError : if f != 'species' and f != 'setName' : printf("Warning filetype as no key %s", f) snp.quality = float(snp.quality) snp.start = int(snp.start) snp.end = int(snp.end) pBar.update(label = pLabel) pBar.close() snpMaster = SNPMaster() snpMaster.set(setName = setName, SNPType = 'AgnosticSNP', species = species) printf('saving...') conf.db.endTransaction() printf('creating indexes...') AgnosticSNP.ensureGlobalIndex(('start', 'chromosomeNumber', 'setName')) printf('importation of SNP set %s for species %s done.' %(setName, species)) return True def _importSNPs_CasavaSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) : "This function will also create an index on start->chromosomeNumber->setName. Warning : pyGeno positions are 0 based" printf('importing SNP set %s for species %s...' % (setName, species)) snpData = SNPsTxtFile(snpsFile) CasavaSNP.dropIndex(('start', 'chromosomeNumber', 'setName')) conf.db.beginTransaction() pBar = ProgressBar(len(snpData)) pLabel = '' currChrNumber = None for snpEntry in snpData : tmpChr = snpEntry['chromosomeNumber'] if tmpChr != currChrNumber : currChrNumber = tmpChr pLabel = 'Chr %s...' % currChrNumber snp = CasavaSNP() snp.species = species snp.setName = setName for f in snp.getFields() : try : setattr(snp, f, snpEntry[f]) except KeyError : if f != 'species' and f != 'setName' : printf("Warning filetype as no key %s", f) snp.start -= 1 snp.end -= 1 pBar.update(label = pLabel) pBar.close() snpMaster = SNPMaster() snpMaster.set(setName = setName, SNPType = 'CasavaSNP', species = species) printf('saving...') conf.db.endTransaction() printf('creating indexes...') CasavaSNP.ensureGlobalIndex(('start', 'chromosomeNumber', 'setName')) printf('importation of SNP set %s for species %s done.' %(setName, species)) return True def _importSNPs_dbSNPSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) : "This function will also create an index on start->chromosomeNumber->setName. Warning : pyGeno positions are 0 based" snpData = VCFFile(snpsFile, gziped = True, stream = True) dbSNPSNP.dropIndex(('start', 'chromosomeNumber', 'setName')) conf.db.beginTransaction() pBar = ProgressBar() pLabel = '' for snpEntry in snpData : pBar.update(label = 'Chr %s, %s...' % (snpEntry['#CHROM'], snpEntry['ID'])) snp = dbSNPSNP() for f in snp.getFields() : try : setattr(snp, f, snpEntry[f]) except KeyError : pass snp.chromosomeNumber = snpEntry['#CHROM'] snp.species = species snp.setName = setName snp.start = snpEntry['POS']-1 snp.alt = snpEntry['ALT'] snp.ref = snpEntry['REF'] snp.end = snp.start+len(snp.alt) pBar.close() snpMaster = SNPMaster() snpMaster.set(setName = setName, SNPType = 'dbSNPSNP', species = species) printf('saving...') conf.db.endTransaction() printf('creating indexes...') dbSNPSNP.ensureGlobalIndex(('start', 'chromosomeNumber', 'setName')) printf('importation of SNP set %s for species %s done.' %(setName, species)) return True def _importSNPs_TopHatSNP(setName, species, genomeSource, snpsFile) : raise FutureWarning('Not implemented yet')