import random, copy
[docs]def aux_insertTree(childTree, parentTree):
"""This a private (You shouldn't have to call it) recursive function that inserts a child tree into a parent tree."""
if childTree.x1 != None and childTree.x2 != None :
parentTree.insert(childTree.x1, childTree.x2,, childTree.referedObject)
for c in childTree.children:
aux_insertTree(c, parentTree)
[docs]def aux_moveTree(offset, tree):
"""This a private recursive (You shouldn't have to call it) function that translates tree(and it's children) to a given x1"""
if tree.x1 != None and tree.x2 != None :
tree.x1, tree.x2 = tree.x1+offset, tree.x2+offset
for c in tree.children:
aux_moveTree(offset, c)
[docs]class SegmentTree :
""" Optimised genome annotations.
A segment tree is an arborescence of segments. First position is inclusive, second exlusive, respectively refered to as x1 and x2.
A segment tree has the following properties :
* The root has no x1 or x2 (both set to None).
* Segment are arrangend in an ascending order
* For two segment S1 and S2 : [S2.x1, S2.x2[ C [S1.x1, S1.x2[ <=> S2 is a child of S1
Here's an example of a tree :
* Root : 0-15
* ---->Segment : 0-12
* ------->Segment : 1-6
* ---------->Segment : 2-3
* ---------->Segment : 4-5
* ------->Segment : 7-8
* ------->Segment : 9-10
* ---->Segment : 11-14
* ------->Segment : 12-14
* ---->Segment : 13-15
Each segment can have a 'name' and a 'referedObject'. ReferedObject are objects are stored within the graph for future usage.
These objects are always stored in lists. If referedObject is already a list it will be stored as is.
def __init__(self, x1 = None, x2 = None, name = '', referedObject = [], father = None, level = 0) :
if x1 > x2 :
self.x1, self.x2 = x2, x1
else :
self.x1, self.x2 = x1, x2
self.father = father
self.level = level = random.randint(0, 10**8) = name
self.children = []
self.referedObject = referedObject
def __addChild(self, segmentTree, index = -1) :
segmentTree.level = self.level + 1
if index < 0 :
else :
self.children.insert(index, segmentTree)
[docs] def insert(self, x1, x2, name = '', referedObject = []) :
"""Insert the segment in it's right place and returns it.
If there's already a segment S as S.x1 == x1 and S.x2 == x2. will be changed to ' U name' and the
referedObject will be appended to the already existing list"""
if x1 > x2 :
xx1, xx2 = x2, x1
else :
xx1, xx2 = x1, x2
rt = None
insertId = None
childrenToRemove = []
for i in range(len(self.children)) :
if self.children[i].x1 == xx1 and xx2 == self.children[i].x2 :
self.children[i].name = self.children[i].name + ' U ' + name
return self.children[i]
if self.children[i].x1 <= xx1 and xx2 <= self.children[i].x2 :
return self.children[i].insert(x1, x2, name, referedObject)
elif xx1 <= self.children[i].x1 and self.children[i].x2 <= xx2 :
if rt == None :
if type(referedObject) is list :
rt = SegmentTree(xx1, xx2, name, referedObject, self, self.level+1)
else :
rt = SegmentTree(xx1, xx2, name, [referedObject], self, self.level+1)
insertId = i
self.children[i].father = rt
elif xx1 <= self.children[i].x1 and xx2 <= self.children[i].x2 :
insertId = i
if rt != None :
self.__addChild(rt, insertId)
for c in childrenToRemove :
else :
if type(referedObject) is list :
rt = SegmentTree(xx1, xx2, name, referedObject, self, self.level+1)
else :
rt = SegmentTree(xx1, xx2, name, [referedObject], self, self.level+1)
if insertId != None :
self.__addChild(rt, insertId)
else :
return rt
[docs] def insertTree(self, childTree):
"""inserts childTree in the right position (regions will be rearanged to fit the organisation of self)"""
aux_insertTree(childTree, self)
#~ def included_todo(self, x1, x2=None) :
#~ "Returns all the segments where [x1, x2] is included"""
#~ pass
[docs] def intersect(self, x1, x2 = None) :
"""Returns a list of all segments intersected by [x1, x2]"""
def condition(x1, x2, tree) :
#print, tree.x1, tree.x2, x1, x2
if (tree.x1 != None and tree.x2 != None) and (tree.x1 <= x1 and x1 < tree.x2 or tree.x1 <= x2 and x2 < tree.x2) :
return True
return False
if x2 == None :
xx1, xx2 = x1, x1
elif x1 > x2 :
xx1, xx2 = x2, x1
else :
xx1, xx2 = x1, x2
c1 = self.__dichotomicSearch(xx1)
c2 = self.__dichotomicSearch(xx2)
if c1 == -1 or c2 == -1 :
return []
if xx1 < self.children[c1].x1 :
c1 -= 1
inter = self.__radiateDown(x1, x2, c1, condition)
if self.children[c1].id == self.children[c2].id :
inter.extend(self.__radiateUp(x1, x2, c2+1, condition))
else :
inter.extend(self.__radiateUp(x1, x2, c2, condition))
ret = []
for c in inter :
ret.extend(c.intersect(x1, x2))
return inter
def __dichotomicSearch(self, x1) :
r1 = 0
r2 = len(self.children)-1
pos = -1
while (r1 <= r2) :
pos = (r1+r2)/2
val = self.children[pos].x1
if val == x1 :
return pos
elif x1 < val :
r2 = pos -1
else :
r1 = pos +1
return pos
def __radiateDown(self, x1, x2, childId, condition) :
"Radiates down: walks self.children downward until condition is no longer verifed or there's no childrens left "
ret = []
i = childId
while 0 <= i :
if condition(x1, x2, self.children[i]) :
else :
i -= 1
return ret
def __radiateUp(self, x1, x2, childId, condition) :
"Radiates uo: walks self.children upward until condition is no longer verifed or there's no childrens left "
ret = []
i = childId
while i < len(self.children):
if condition(x1, x2, self.children[i]) :
else :
i += 1
return ret
[docs] def emptyChildren(self) :
"""Kills of children"""
self.children = []
[docs] def removeGaps(self) :
"""Remove all gaps between regions"""
for i in range(1, len(self.children)) :
if self.children[i].x1 > self.children[i-1].x2:
aux_moveTree(self.children[i-1].x2-self.children[i].x1, self.children[i])
[docs] def getX1(self) :
"""Returns the starting position of the tree"""
if self.x1 != None :
return self.x1
return self.children[0].x1
[docs] def getX2(self) :
"""Returns the ending position of the tree"""
if self.x2 != None :
return self.x2
return self.children[-1].x2
[docs] def getIndexedLength(self) :
"""Returns the total length of indexed regions"""
if self.x1 != None and self.x2 != None:
return self.x2 - self.x1
else :
if len(self.children) == 0 :
return 0
else :
l = self.children[0].x2 - self.children[0].x1
for i in range(1, len(self.children)) :
l += self.children[i].x2 - self.children[i].x1 - max(0, self.children[i-1].x2 - self.children[i].x1)
return l
[docs] def getFirstLevel(self) :
"""returns a list of couples (x1, x2) of all the first level indexed regions"""
res = []
if len(self.children) > 0 :
for c in self.children:
res.append((c.x1, c.x2))
else :
if self.x1 != None :
res = [(self.x1, self.x2)]
else :
res = None
return res
[docs] def flatten(self) :
"""Flattens the tree. The tree become a tree of depth 1 where overlapping regions have been merged together"""
if len(self.children) > 1 :
children = self.children
x1 = children[0].x1
x2 = children[0].x2
refObjs = [children[0].referedObject]
name = children[0].name
for i in range(1, len(children)) :
if children[i-1] >= children[i] :
x2 = children[i].x2
name += " U " + children[i].name
else :
if len(refObjs) == 1 :
refObjs = refObjs[0]
self.insert(x1, x2, name, refObjs)
x1 = children[i].x1
x2 = children[i].x2
refObjs = [children[i].referedObject]
name = children[i].name
if len(refObjs) == 1 :
refObjs = refObjs[0]
self.insert(x1, x2, name, refObjs)
[docs] def move(self, newX1) :
"""Moves tree to a new starting position, updates x1s of children"""
if self.x1 != None and self.x2 != None :
offset = newX1-self.x1
aux_moveTree(offset, self)
elif len(self.children) > 0 :
offset = newX1-self.children[0].x1
aux_moveTree(offset, self)
def __str__(self) :
strRes = self.__str()
offset = ''
for i in range(self.level+1) :
offset += '\t'
for c in self.children :
strRes += '\n'+offset+'-->'+str(c)
return strRes
def __str(self) :
if self.x1 == None :
if len(self.children) > 0 :
return "Root: %d-%d, name: %s, id: %d, obj: %s" %(self.children[0].x1, self.children[-1].x2,,, repr(self.referedObject))
else :
return "Root: EMPTY , name: %s, id: %d, obj: %s" %(,, repr(self.referedObject))
else :
return "Segment: %d-%d, name: %s, id: %d, father id: %d, obj: %s" %(self.x1, self.x2,,,, repr(self.referedObject))
def __len__(self) :
"returns the size of the complete indexed region"
if self.x1 != None and self.x2 != None :
return self.x2-self.x1
else :
return self.children[-1].x2 - self.children[0].x1
def __repr__(self):
return 'Segment Tree, id:%s, father id:%s, (x1, x2): (%s, %s)' %(,, self.x1, self.x2)
if __name__== "__main__" :
s = SegmentTree()
s.insert(5, 10, 'region 1')
s.insert(8, 12, 'region 2')
s.insert(5, 8, 'region 3')
s.insert(34, 40, 'region 4')
s.insert(35, 38, 'region 5')
s.insert(36, 37, 'region 6', 'aaa')
s.insert(36, 37, 'region 6', 'aaa2')
print("indexed length", s.getIndexedLength())
print("removing gaps and adding region 7 : [13-37[")
#s.insert(13, 37, 'region 7')
print("indexed length", s.getIndexedLength())
#print "intersections"
#for c in [6, 10, 14, 1000] :
# print c, s.intersect(c)
print("indexed length", s.getIndexedLength())