Source code for tools.ProgressBar

import sys, time, pickle

[docs]class ProgressBar : """A very simple unthreaded progress bar. This progress bar also logs stats in .logs. Usage example:: p = ProgressBar(nbEpochs = -1) for i in range(200000) : p.update(label = 'value of i %d' % i) p.close() If you don't know the maximum number of epochs you can enter nbEpochs < 1 """ def __init__(self, nbEpochs = -1, width = 25, label = "progress", minRefeshTime = 1) : self.width = width self.currEpoch = 0 self.nbEpochs = float(nbEpochs) = '' self.label = label self.wheel = ["-", "\\", "|", "/"] self.startTime = time.time() self.lastPrintTime = -1 self.minRefeshTime = minRefeshTime self.runtime = -1 self.runtime_hr = -1 self.avg = -1 self.remtime = -1 self.remtime_hr = -1 self.currTime = time.time() self.lastEpochDuration = -1 self.bars = [] self.miniSnake = '~-~-~-?:>' self.logs = {'epochDuration' : [], 'avg' : [], 'runtime' : [], 'remtime' : []} def formatTime(self, val) : if val < 60 : return '%.3fsc' % val elif val < 3600 : return '%.3fmin' % (val/60) else : return '%dh %dmin' % (int(val)/3600, int(val/60)%60) def _update(self) : tim = time.time() if self.nbEpochs > 1 : if self.currTime > 0 : self.lastEpochDuration = tim - self.currTime self.currTime = tim self.runtime = tim - self.startTime self.runtime_hr = self.formatTime(self.runtime) self.avg = self.runtime/self.currEpoch self.remtime = self.avg * (self.nbEpochs-self.currEpoch) self.remtime_hr = self.formatTime(self.remtime)
[docs] def log(self) : """logs stats about the progression, without printing anything on screen""" self.logs['epochDuration'].append(self.lastEpochDuration) self.logs['avg'].append(self.avg) self.logs['runtime'].append(self.runtime) self.logs['remtime'].append(self.remtime)
[docs] def saveLogs(self, filename) : """dumps logs into a nice pickle""" f = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.logs, f) f.close()
[docs] def update(self, label = '', forceRefresh = False, log = False) : """the function to be called at each iteration. Setting log = True is the same as calling log() just after update()""" self.currEpoch += 1 tim = time.time() if (tim - self.lastPrintTime > self.minRefeshTime) or forceRefresh : self._update() wheelState = self.wheel[self.currEpoch%len(self.wheel)] if label == '' : slabel = self.label else : slabel = label if self.nbEpochs > 1 : ratio = self.currEpoch/self.nbEpochs snakeLen = int(self.width*ratio) voidLen = int(self.width - (self.width*ratio)) if snakeLen + voidLen < self.width : snakeLen = self.width - voidLen = "%s %s[%s:>%s] %.2f%% (%d/%d) runtime: %s, remaining: %s, avg: %s" %(wheelState, slabel, "~-" * snakeLen, " " * voidLen, ratio*100, self.currEpoch, self.nbEpochs, self.runtime_hr, self.remtime_hr, self.formatTime(self.avg)) if self.currEpoch == self.nbEpochs : self.close() else : w = self.width - len(self.miniSnake) v = self.currEpoch%(w+1) snake = "%s%s%s" %(" " * (v), self.miniSnake, " " * (w-v)) = "%s %s[%s] %s%% (%d/%s) runtime: %s, remaining: %s, avg: %s" %(wheelState, slabel, snake, '?', self.currEpoch, '?', self.runtime_hr, '?', self.formatTime(self.avg)) sys.stdout.write("\b" * (len( sys.stdout.write(" " * (len( sys.stdout.write("\b" * (len( sys.stdout.write( sys.stdout.flush() self.lastPrintTime = time.time() if log : self.log()
[docs] def close(self) : """Closes the bar so your next print will be on another line""" self.update(forceRefresh = True) print('\n')
if __name__ == "__main__" : p = ProgressBar(nbEpochs = 100000000000) for i in range(100000000000) : p.update() #time.sleep(3) p.close()