Importation =========== pyGeno's database is populated by importing tar.gz compressed archives called *datawraps*. An importation is a one time step and once a datawrap has been imported it can be discarded with no concequences to the database. Here's how you import a reference genome datawrap:: from pyGeno.importation.Genomes import * importGenome("my_genome_datawrap.tar.gz") And a SNP set datawrap:: from pyGeno.importation.SNPs import * importSNPs("my_snp_datawrap.tar.gz") pyGeno comes with a few datawraps that you can quickly import using the :doc:`/bootstraping` module. You can find a list of datawraps to import here: :doc:`/datawraps` You can also easily create your own by simply putting a bunch of URLs into a *manifest.ini* file and compressing int into a *tar.gz archive* (as explained below or on the Wiki_). .. _Wiki: Genomes ------- .. automodule:: importation.Genomes :members: Polymorphisms (SNPs and Indels) ------------------------------- .. automodule:: importation.SNPs :members: